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Rob it's too easy to start a fight with you. You need to learn to give it twelve hours before you respond. Let's talk again in a year when they tell us they will have yto float a bond to do roadwork.

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Sorry Rob, I don't look to insult - didn't we agree, we'd rather get punched with the truth than kissed with lies? You should thank me for not just kissing your ass all the time, you can't trust people that just kiss your ass all the time. Come on, friends tell friends, remember that tired cliche? Well for me it's true. When I try to be nice, people tell me "be yourself, nice doesn't suit you... stop it, that smile is creepy..." etc.

Fess up, you know nothing about street maintenance. Both my parents worked for major road builders - my daddy built Teichert Ponds Rob, I was in the cab of his Peterbilt. Me and my sister shared a seatbelt, we were in the cab of the same Peterbilt when he built major sections of Hwys 5 and 99. I don't need humility - I'm pretty sure I've watched more streets and roads built than you have. I don't need staff to tell me that what Sorensen is talking about is nothing more than slurrying up streets to make them look new until people start to forget Measure H. That's where it will end, and the money from H will disappear into the General Fund and the pensions.

They used the trash tax money the first year to make the same slop at Cohasset Road. Look at it today. You may remember the patch and slurry job they did on Vallombrosa - crumbling within 6 month, serial pot holes returned, chunks falling off the sides, overgrown trees hanging on power lines. The road work they've announced - 5 - 6 million! - is only a snow job.

That's reality. There are hard conversations to be had, no time for petty baby wahwah. Sorry if my opinions and feelings are insulting to you - get over it, I've had to. XXX Juanita

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You may know some things, Juanita, but just because you share a seatbelt as a child doesn't mean you know everything either. When was that? 50 years ago? more? Nothing has changed since Cool Hand Luke? As to Measure H disappearing into the General Fund, you must have missed the news that the 1% tax revenue will be accounted for separately. I have no fear of the truth or people who aim to tell it. But there is no reason be be onery. How about you post the product information on the "slurry." Then we can all learn something.

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Rob, if you had sat in the day meetings as long as I have you'd know "slurry" is just a bandaid. You repeat stuff you have no knowledge of as though it is fact because Staff told you so? You should be on council, they let staff lead them by the nose. For years PW staff has complained there is no communication between or cooperation from the utility companies - PW staff has claimed that as soon as they "fix" a street, one or another utility company comes in to rip it up. Here's the real reason - they won't fix streets in older neighborhoods because they are waiting for whole blocks to go up for redevelopment. Former and longtime planning commissioner Kurt Montfort said it - they're waiting for older property owners to die - he said this - hoping their kids won't be able to afford the reassessment on the family home. The old timers don't pay enough property taxes, they want to force us to sell on the theory that they will be able to redevelop whole parts of town. This of course will never happen - look at the patchwork planning you see all over town. Let's face it, they're not going to fix the streets. But are you watching the tally on the payments to CalPERS?

And you and Tuchinsky have also pointed out, the commission appointments are nothing but Tit for Tat, and spoils. Enough Peyton Place - oh, a past council treated Kasey poorly, so she gets to take it out on Winslow. Are you telling me, this is how adults behave? I say, get rid of the commissions. We elect council, we don't elect commissioners, and they have way too much influence over city business - all of them.

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You have a very sophisticated way of dishing out personal insults, but you don't rise to the subtlety of "Well, bless your heart."

"You repeat stuff you have no knowledge of as though it is fact" tells me you don't really know me very well, which is true. As for your last paragraph, well, bless your heart. No one "took it out" on Winslow, though there is growing cause to do so. But I will say this, you are very confident in your judgments. What I don't detect is much humility. You probably think of yourself as a "crusty realist." Look we agree about some things, and disagree about others. You are a writer and I've read some of your stuff. But I'm not going to engage in a detailed, endless tit for tat. There is way too much here to unpack. Life is Peyton Place. You have a cure for that? I'm all ears.

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